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Blog concerns.

M.E patients as a group have not rejected the abuse of doctors and other patients performed in their name.

On the face of it this choice is self-punishing.  When we remove, to safety, all those targetted by M.E activists the only ones harmed by their vicious attacks are the patients themselves.

M.E community abuse generates stigma, discredits M.E patients and pushes help away.

M.E community leaders and their allies in research have led M.E patients towards bad science.  While some have made huge personal gains these have come at far greater personal costs. 

Overall, I think M.E patient activism has added about ten years on to the suffering of each and every M.E patient.

Unfortunately, however, many of us live within an increasingly aggressive and perverse social order.  I do not believe M.E patients within these societies have 10 years before the tidal forces that withdrew my food grow to the point where a diagnosis of M.E is quite an unsafe thing to have.

Both M.E activism and social aggression towards the sick and disabled require that M.E patients get well as soon as is possible.

While I am forthright in my views and indeed my disgust at M.E community behaviour, I write with the sole intention of assisting all M.E patients.  I have been concerned that my challenge to M.E patient behaviour herein may be perverted and used to harm M.E patients in the future.

I have considered this matter deeply and have rejected it as a reason to discontinue.  Firstly, I am not responsible for the abuse arising from M.E patient activists.  My advocacy was founded on a peaceful approach, one that that specifically rejected by those patients who decided to use bullying to get what they want.  I have protested this awful choice to harm others with almost one thousand videos.

Secondly, the operative word in the above is "perversion".  It has been pointed out to me that any thing I say, even a treatment or cure that I may publish could also be perverted into a means of harming patients.  

Bullies bully, haters hate and those with malign intent reverse others' good intentions.

There is, I'm afraid, no way to avoid this.  However it also true that this sad fact is not, in of itself, a reason not to try to do the right thing.

It remains clear to me that the only real hope we have here is to come up with a treatment for M.E as soon as possible.  I will keep this blog open for now and endeavour to more closely follow that aim, but I will have to be far less circumspect.  There is simply no time to explain and go through every decision that I make.  Perhaps there will be after the fact.